This is about addiction as well. People think that since it has reference to a female "I have been with witches and been with the queen." that it must be about love or a girl that screwed him over. These are rock stars!! do you think they have problem with keeping women. Really? Example of my argument. "I'd rather walk alone then chase you around..I'd rather fall myself than have you drag me on down." Referring to drug seeking behavior by the quote "chase you around." and the quote "I'd rather fall myself than have you drag me on down." refers to drugs bring you down. When you quit you are also lonely all the time. Another example: "wish there was something I could say or do..I can resist anything but the temptation from you." this refers to his addiction. Not being able to pull away from it or do anything about it and not being able to resist the cravings that go with it. Most likely opiate addiction based on what I already know about Mr. Harper.