J. Jonah Jameson is ripped! There's no doubt that the Marvel Cinematic Universe star has surprised even his biggest fans when he showed off photos of him working his shredded biceps at the gym. While there are certainly a ton of shredded celebrities, it's always intriguing when someone transforms their bodies. Especially if that person is a bit older.
J.K. Simmons never rubs his physique in people's faces. This is probably one of the reasons why fans are so curious as to why he got so jacked in the first place as well as how he has been able to maintain such a healthy lifestyle. Here's what we know...
Why Did J.K. Simmons Get So Ripped?
The truth is, J.K. Simmons has been getting fit for years. Even during the early part of his film and television career, when he starred on HBO's OZ, he was showing signs of having an incredible fitness level. The guy had to play a prisoner in a maximum-security prison, so it just made sense that he got fit. What else do they have to do all day? Although, J.K. once told Business Insider that he got more ripped after the first season of the show because he didn't "believe" himself due to not being in better shape.
But J.K. has seemingly gotten ripped for a number of roles. In 2016, Men's Journal reported that he was getting fit in order to play Commissioner Gordon in DC's Justice League. In a 2019 interview with Vulture, J.K. was once again rumored to have gotten fit for his role in Counterpart Season 2. This is when he revealed that he's not had one moment where he's tried to get fit. In actuality, it's been a constant journey for him as it has been for many other fitness lovers.
"Well, it’s been an off-and-on thing for a lot of my life. For the last eight or nine years, I got very consistent with it. As I would go back and forth between being horribly lazy and fat, and then, you know, starving myself to try to get fit, my wife kept preaching moderation. And I kept nodding my head and saying, 'Yeah, well … ' So I finally started listening to her and it’s really hard to get back into shape after you’ve let yourself go," J.K. explained to Vulture.
"The last time I was really overweight was on purpose — foolishly on purpose — for a part. A director asked me to put on weight and I was already in pretty bad shape. So, I dunno, ten years or so ago, I was arguably in the worst shape of my life. Certainly the fattest. When I was working my way back from that, I decided I wanted to try to stay as consistently fit and healthy as possible. You know, for all the reasons that include health and also vanity. Male ego, all that stuff."
How J.K. Simmons Got So Fit And What Is His Workout Routine?
The now 67-year-old actor has remained in insane shape. Back in 2016, J.K. revealed that he had hired an ex-Marine, Aaron Williamson, to train him. Aaron is also partly responsible for the insane bodies of Zac Efron, Jamie Foxx, and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Although Dwayne has revealed that he went to a different man to help him get into Black Adam shape, David Rienzi.
In an interview with Men's Journal, Aaron Williamson claimed that J.K.'s mission was to adopt a "healthy lifestyle" and to never again "worry about health issues". While that may have been the focus, the results speak for themselves. J.K. has a more jacked figure than most people half his age. It just proves that someone's age can rarely get in the way of their determination to be the best possible versions of themselves.
According to Men's Journal, Aaron has J.K. doing two a number of different workouts; two of which he made available online for free via Men's Journal Both workouts are meant to be completed back-to-back with almost no rest periods (AKA supersets). They are also incredibly varied, focusing on the whole body. They include a 10-minute cardio warm-up to get the blood pumping and energy levels high. Most of the exercises (including flat dumbbell press, wide-grip lat pull-downs, hammer strength rows, machine chest press, Supermans, and rope cable tricep pull-downs) are 4 or 3 sets with 10 - 12 reps each. The workouts usually end with a major ab burnout. They can be done in rounds with no breaks in-between the individual exercises or can be done with incredibly brief breaks between them. Either way, they hurt. And they are effective. It's no wonder J.K. Simmons is in such great shape!