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Howard Stern is one of the best celebrity interviewers of all time. Even some of the former shock jock's biggest haters would have a hard time denying that. There's something about his format, personality, and preparedness that forces stars to relinquish their defenses and be both unusually honest and entertaining. Thanks to these skills, countless A-listers have sat down with the often controversial entertainer. Not only does Stern help sell whatever they're marketing, but he opens up a celebrities' fanbase or just straight up gives listeners what no one else can give them.
Of course, not every celebrity is willing to go on SiriusXM's The Howard Stern Show. After all, during his more scandalous days, Stern happily offended just about everyone. While some got the joke, others have held grudges. But forgiveness is possible. This is exactly why Bruce Springsteen recently sat down with Stern for what many have deemed one of his greatest interviews.
Given that Stern has yet to interview a few major celebrities, it's only fair to wonder if they're on his list. During the November 28th, 2022 episode of his acclaimed radio show, the self-proclaimed King of All Media revealed that there are a few A-listers he wishes to sit down with...
Howard Stern Wants To Interview Tom Cruise And Brad Pitt
A regular caller is the one who should be credited with asking Howard Stern about his "bucket list interviews". During the middle of Stern's November 28th, 2022 show, a caller nicknamed Balls asked the radio legend about the actors, musicians, and entertainers who he'd love to sit down with.
While Howard Stern openly hates the idea of having a bucket list, he did mention there were a few people out there he'd be curious about interviewing. Having said, that Stern told the caller, his longtime co-host Robin Quivers, and the audience that he believes he's interviewed most of the people he really was itching to speak to. That includes Sir Paul McCartney, Elton John, Hillary Clinton, Neil Young, Mick Jagger, and Bruce Springsteen.
But he did admit to wanting to interview both Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. Neither celebrity has been much of a focus for Stern show antics over the years, except for a rather memorable disagreement between Quivers and the other staffers regarding whether or not Pitt is a "movie star". Therefore, it's unlikely that Pitt or Cruise are angry with Stern for any past comments. They may, however, not want to be so raw on the radio, which they'd have to be if they sat down with the King of All Media.
Stern also claimed that not all of his best interview subjects are "legends". Anyone who has a good story is worth speaking to.
"I'm interested in everyone," Stern admitted.
Howard Stern Wants To Interview Taylor Swift And Eminem
Unlike Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, Howard Stern has almost certainly bashed Taylor Swift on his show. Stern hasn't been too kind about her highly-publicized love life or even her music. But he has praised Swift for her political statements and activism. Nevertheless, Swift is almost certainly someone Stern wants to speak to on the radio.
"I'd like to interview Taylor Swift," Stern admitted to his audience on his November 28th show.
Along the line of musicians, Howard Stern said that he wanted to sit down with Eminem. While he did have Eminem on his show in the past, he wasn't thrilled with the interview. Of course, this was during the days when Howard Stern was better known for pushing the boundaries of comedy rather than his insightful celebrity interviews. But now that he's reached this stage in his life, Stern believes he'd do well with the "Slim Shady" rapper.
"I'd like a really great interview with Eminem," Stern added. "I was watching the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and he seems like a really interesting dude."
Of course, when Eminem first came on The Stern Show, he hadn't yet reached the height of his success. Now that he has, an interview with Howard Stern would be categorically different.
Howard Stern Wants To Interview Oprah Winfrey
"I'd like to interview Oprah," Howard Stern admitted on his November 28th, 2022 show. "But she would never do it because, you know, I'm such a pain in the a** to her."
"Well, you're the devil," Robin Quivers joked.
"She doesn't like me."
Those who simply read the headlines may believe that Howard Stern flat-out hates Oprah Winfrey. In reality, he has very mixed feelings...
For years, Stern has criticized some of Oprah's business practices and her questionable behind-the-scenes behavior, some of which he's been privy to. Recently, Stern made the news after blasting how Oprah "flaunts" her wealth on Instagram when she has so many followers who are financially struggling.
Regardless, Stern has also revealed that he's flat-out "obsessed" with Oprah. His fixation on what she does with her time doesn't come from hate. It's fascination. The radio legend has also admitted to having a deep respect for Oprah's rise to fame and fortune and would likely love to chat with her about it. There's no doubt that this would be fascinating for both of their fanbases. But given all the bad blood, it's also highly unlikely.