Rapper SCY Jimm has been the survivor of a demise scam where was accounted for to have been shot dead in Daytona Ocean side on June 7, 2023. The news was first revealed by Raphoustv on their Twitter page where they posted an image of the rapper and a video of what resembled a crime location. The video showed the crime location being fixed by cops and somebody being removed on a cot.
While the news wasn’t affirmed by any dependable and official sources, Raphousetv’s remarks segment was loaded up with sympathies for the rapper. One individual even proceeded to say that it was miserable to rappers kicking the bucket at such youthful ages.
Notwithstanding, Raphousetv later shared the news that affirmed that SCY Jimm was alive. The record posted a tweet at around 4:12 am that very day expressing that the rapper was alive however had been harmed in the shooting.
Raphousetv’s post says that Jimm was opposite stopping in Daytona Ocean side. It likewise says that Jimm’s chief Blue Chezz was captured a day prior on charges of second-degree murder which was connected to an alternate case.
Another news report by My Mixtapez states that SCY Jimm was likewise captured a couple of hours after his chief’s capture yet was delivered on bond. The post referenced that he is at the emergency clinic and is en route to recuperation.
Born on June 12, 2000, as Jimnirable Ke’Shawn Curry III, SCY Jimm began his rapping venture at 14 years old. The rapper delivered a few freestyles toward the start of his vocation.
Jimm teamed up with rappers WizDaWizard and Wam SpinThaBin and delivered two tasks named Dead Folks and It 60’s in 2021 to Roll. He in the end earned respect for his single, Ballin, which was delivered in 2022. All the more as of late, on June 3, 2023, Jimm posted a brief look at the tune Permanently set up.
Jimm is additionally well known for his mixtape named Thenew hotness, which was delivered in 2022. This was trailed by singles and coordinated efforts with craftsmen like Luh Tyler, Goldenboy Countup, and Wizz avinn. Jimm’s most memorable task delivered in 2023 was named Channel Child and he showed up on the presentation undertaking of Luh Tyler.
SCY Jimm’s most recent single Permanently set up, was delivered last month and its music video has gotten in excess of 2,000 preferences on YouTube. He has been meaning to lay down a good foundation for himself as perhaps of the best rapper in Florida.
A couple of different rappers have been survivors of death lies starting around 2022
There have been different rappers who turned into the casualty of death tricks over the most recent couple of months. Recently, there were gives an account of Twitter asserting that J. Cole was dead and it was shared by News 247 which guarantees that they post joke messages.
One more rapper named Lil Rough was likewise answered to be dead after a couple of YouTube recordings guaranteed Sketchy’s memorial service occurring. Crude later explained on Instagram that he was alive. As referenced before, SCY Jimm is alive and has experienced a few wounds in the shooting.