Jack and Rebecca took a major new step in their relationship during the Tuesday, November 13, episode of This Is Us, titled “Sometimes.” Zoe also opened up about abuse in her past.

On the Road
Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Rebecca (Mandy Moore) set out for Los Angeles a week after meeting. Jack chose not to talk to Rebecca about his time in Vietnam or anything else, really. The two traveled across the country and grew closer every mile of the way. They slow-danced during one stop, where Jack revealed that he had never cried.
While staying in a motel along their journey, Rebecca climbed into Jack’s bed, and the pair had sex for the first time. They continued to sleep together throughout their trip, and Rebecca noticed Jack’s nightmares. But he continued to shut her down when she asked about the war. Rebecca wished to know more about Jack and knew she wanted to be where he was. He later confessed that he didn’t want to bring the war into their romance.
In California, Jack went to see the parents of a solider in his squad who was killed by a land mine. He took full responsibility for the death because he let his guard down, but the couple assured Jack it wasn’t his fault. Meanwhile, Rebecca visited the record label that had expressed interest in her, but they told her she was “Pittsburgh good.” Jack requested that she sing her song for him, and he cried as she sang about overcoming mistakes. Then, she told her new beau, “Let’s go home.”

Good Dads and Bad Dads
Zoe (Melanie Liburd) and Kevin (Justin Hartley) made it to Vietnam, where they planned to go to the fishing village where Jack was stationed. Kevin discovered that the necklace his father gave him was a popular souvenir, which discouraged him.
Zoe told Kevin her father lived in China, and she didn’t want him to know she was nearby. When Kevin pressed her, she refused to elaborate. Zoe got sick, so the couple returned to the hotel.
Kevin admitted to Zoe that he was falling in love with her, and after she reciprocated, she told Kevin that her father sexually abused her as a child. Therefore, she shut him out of her life, even as he tried to make amends.
A Helping Hand?
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Jack asked Nicky’s (Michael Angarano) commanding officer if he could take his brother back to his squad to straighten him out, but the leader told Jack it went against protocol to put siblings in the same outfit. The commanding officer later brought Nicky to Jack’s village and told him he had two weeks to work on Nicky, who expressed frustration that Jack didn’t just leave him in his own squad “to rot.”
This Is Us airs on NBC Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET.