If you want better weapons and structures, you’ll need to learn where to find Coal in Palworld. This guide will help you find this essential, yet rare, material that you’ll be using craft Refined Ingot from the Ore you’ve collected.
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The Best Place to Mine Coal

The absolute best place to find Coal is behind the giant Statue of Anubis in the desert, which is right in the center of the world map. Start from the southwest area of Palworld and move northwest. You’ll first pass a mountain range. Next, you’ll traverse a forest. After that, you’ll finally arrive at the desert.

When you get there, finding the Statue of Anubis won’t be hard. This is the location of the boss fight against Anubis, and it’s also where you’ll find a gigantic statue of the creature that’s visible from a distance. Right behind the statue, you will find a place where there are many black rocks. That’s where you will mine your Coal from.

There’s also another desert far in the northeast where there is a tower with another boss fight. You will find black rocks to mine Coal right next to the Fast Travel Point there. That said, the enemies in that area are around level 40, so you need to be careful and consider leveling up your character. This isn’t somewhere you’ll want to go during your early hours playing the game!
Preparing for the Desert

First, make sure you have armor that protects you from both cold and hot weather. When exploring the desert, be prepared for extreme heat during the day and extremecold at night. You’ll need armor suitable for both conditions. Otherwise, you might end up dying and losing your items when exploring these areas.
Also, note that the deserts are vast and don’t have many Fast Travel Points around them, making exploration quite challenging. It might be a good idea to bring a mount to travel faster. It is also a good idea to bring some rocks and habitat fragments to build new base features so you can use them to build build one more base and Fast Travel back to your base.
As you keep exploring the desert, you’ll find many black rocks. However, if you want to bring a bunch of Coal at once, definitely check the area behind the Statue of Anubis. Also, if you want to ensure a quick in-and-out trip with small amounts of Coal, try reaching the desert’s Fast Travel Point in the northwest. Finding Coal in Palworld becomes easier once you’ve explored most of the map and established other bases. However, if you urgently need some Coal and don’t require many Refined Ingots, the Northwest desert is always a good option.
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